

# Project # Carbon # npm # TypeScript

This is a Carbon like image generator from code.

I decided to create a Node.js library available for free on NPM, taking the idea of the Carbon website, allowing to transform code into JPEG image. Most (if not all) of the other projects used :

  • Either APIs hosted on free services and more maintained to go scrape the Carbon website.
  • Or directly used a very poorly optimized technique, i.e. directly scrapping the code via puppeteer on the website.

These techniques, in addition to not being very optimized, take a lot of time for the simple generation of an image.

So I wanted to create a library that would render a similar image, but faster and in a more optimized way.

Technologies used

I decided to used TypeScript for this project, to learn how I can create an NPM library with TypeScript.

For the technical reasons stated in the previous point, I also decided to use only “small libraries”:

  1. The first one has been designed to tokenize the code entered by the user. I chose prismjs, for the simple reason that hljs was a bit of a hellish library in terms of scale, and didn’t detect correctly the programming language used. Therefore, I decided to remove this feature, and to switch to prismjs.
  2. For the Image Generation, I used the most common library in Node.js which is the Canvas library.

And of course, a lot of math! You can choose your preferred width, create new themes (feature under development), and render your images in PNG, JPEG, and PDF!


The input code :

const pluckDeep = (key) => (obj) =>
	key.split(".").reduce((accum, key) => accum[key], obj);

const compose =
	(...fns) =>
	(res) =>
		fns.reduce((accum, next) => next(accum), res);

const unfold = (f, seed) => {
	const go = (f, seed, acc) => {
		const res = f(seed);
		return res ? go(f, res[1], acc.concat([res[0]])) : acc;
	return go(f, seed, []);

The output image :

Carbon.js example Image result